Sunday, March 21, 2021


 Buddy has an extra 21st  chromosome giving him 47 and thus the syndrome. One in 700 births has now got that triple and it gives individuals a variety of unique features. Buddy is lucky as his were not too debilitating. His main concern was heart issues so he has had two open heart ops. Most of his body features are normal. He is tall,average weight for his height and has reasonable cognitive skills that make speech, reading and writing possible but math requires a calculator. He is now a wonderful adult in his late 40’s. 

Today one is to wear odd socks to symbolize uniqueness and we are.sorry I cannot share photos from my device due to Google’s changes as I am posting from my iPad.

Down syndrome folks are 10 X more vulnerable to death by COVID-19 and variants. I pray all get their shots to make our world safer. Recall we got rid of smallpox when it had a vaccine and it was in my lifetime. Let’s get rid of Covid too. Buddy and I thank you for sharing and caring and send you happy spring wishes. Stay safe.


Hootin Anni said...

My grandson is one with Down syndrome. He had open heart surgery at 5 months of, in his 30s.

Olga said...

I just watched an interview with this young man with Down Syndrome from Tamps, FL. He is featured in this movie:

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Hugs Buddy, wish I could see your socks, but I know you have them on. You are a wonderful man and a big help to your mother.. sorry the lockdown is keeping you from your travels and a prayer of saftery for your health. I do wish the people in the world that refuse to social distance and wear a mask were as kind and caring as you are

Sandi said...

Happy Downs Syndrome Day to both of you! It seems odd to write that, but some things in life turn out to be a gift even if they make us different.

Dee said...

Dear Heidrun, thank you for sharing your concern for those who have Downs Syndrome. I wasn't aware of the vulnerability that brings with regard to COVID. I so hope that you and Buddy got your vaccine doses early and that all is well for you. I have a difficult time understanding why so many people here in the States--especially Republicans--are against the vaccine, just as they denied the power of COVID. Human beings remain mysteries to me. Well, I'm a mystery to myself and often don't understand why I think or do something. I'm learning, now at the age of 85, to do as my good friend Judy suggested to me in Stillwater, Minnesota, so many year ago: "To go with the flow." I hope this finds you well and enjoying better health than you have for some time. Peace.

Aritha V. said...

Good blog!

Dee said...

Dear Heidrun, I've come very late to this posting about Buddy. I do know from an e-mail you sent that the two of you have been vaccinated now. I never realized until reading your posting how vulnerable Buddy would be to COVID. Please hug him for me and tell him that he inspirers me each time I read one of your postings. Hope all is well. Here in the midwestern United States, climate change is truly evident. But of course the flooding in Germany and Belgium and the wildfires in Oregon tell us, I think, that we waited too long. And still, in this country, there are disbelievers. That's so hard for me to believe. Peace.

Kay said...

Thank you for your visit, Heidrun. I'm sorry that Buddy is at greater risk with COVID. I wish everybody would get vaccinated so everyone can be safer. Please take good care of each other.

Joyful said...

Hi Heidrun, I didn't realize that Buddy was far more susceptible to Covid due to Downs Syndrome. I'm glad he was able to get all the shots. I too, and all my family members who can) were able to get all the shots. BC will still be wearing masks for a few weeks. To be honest, I intend to wear mine whenever I go out for some time to come. I feel safer that way. This pandemic has definitely changed me. I thank you or visiting my blog today an end you and your family all good wishes.