Saturday, June 30, 2018


  How tiny we are as we enter our life‘s journey and how little we recall of those very early years. Yet looking down on this little life with all my wrinkles and many years I am struck with awe. Generation after generation has led to this moment. I cannot imagine this baby‘s future. Many before me have said the same words. Time together is most precious.

P.S. It is her first day in our world.


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh My Heart.... Reminds me of seeing my Great Granddaughter for the first time on May 27.... SO adorable ---and you are correct when you said that you were filled with awe... We have death and we have life... Amazing, isn't it?????


Sandi said...

A wonderful photo :)

I wonder what all will have happened by the time she is a grandma? She could walk on Mars. Every day. After lunch.

Joyful said...

Very sweet pic. How precious to hold your grand child :-)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so tiny so precious. I am wondering just what her little eyes will see in her lifetime, my 73 years has seen wondrus things. congratulations to all of you on her birth

diane b said...

Such a poignant moment. The future for these little mites is a wonder.

Arkansas Patti said...

What a sweet shot. You are holding the future in your hands. May it treat her well.

Dee said...

Dear Heidrun, as you say, generations upon generations, eons of generations have had your thoughts. Life moves so quickly now; so much change--that perhaps by the time this child is your age, humans will be in "Star Trek" mode. Peace be with them then and with us now.

Linda Reeder said...

I missed this post earlier. How wonderful to be there for her first day in this world!