Friday, May 25, 2018


Spring finally made it’s way into our area May 22 when these blossoms appeared. For our area that is quite late. But of course what arrives next is extreme heat and storms. That is our forecast for today.
Today is also my little sis’s BD. I recall her arrival in the 50:s vividly. She is a born Canadian.
My SIL shares a BD with my sis. Happy times as they came to my place to have fun.

July marked the arrival of grandbabe in my sister’s arms first BD and Buddy’s. It was held at SIL’s house up by Lake Simcoe and kids went kayaking before heading nack to UK.
In three days I head to UK for the next grandbaby’s arrival. I hope to arrive before baby but it is getting very close as daughter is having some prelabour symptoms.
And for the first time Buddy and hubby will follow me two weeks later. I pray for their safe arrival. I shall try to stay calm during all this. It is hard.
Arrivals can be both fun and stressful.


Olga said...

You have a lot going on. I hope you can relax and enjoy!

Joyful said...

You do have a lot happening in your life. I'm glad your were able to celebrate all the family birthday's with fun activities. I pray all goes well with your travels and the baby's arrival. Hugs. xx

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I did not know about the new baby coming, congratulations and prayers for a safe trip for all 3 of you and the new baby's arrival.

Arkansas Patti said...

Happy Birthday to your sis. How exciting about the new grand baby coming. Have a safe and wonderful trip.

Dee said...

Dear Heidrun, I'll be thinking of you and praying the mantra of Julian of Norwich: "And all shall be well. And all shall be well. And all manner of things shall be exceedingly well." I'm holding you and Buddy and your husband in the white light of goodness and contentment. Peace.

Aritha V. said...

How's now with you, Heidrun? Yes it can be stressfull...