Monday, March 5, 2018

Reshaped by Irma

   (January 15 to 22,2018 Memories Flameco Cayo Coco)
This photo taken from our corner balcony gave a great view of the cruel harsh makeover the hurricane forced onto this area of the keys in September. It wiped out entire forests of tall palm trees that used to give shelter all along the beach. The hard coral on the coast vanished under the sand. The ocean water receeded a lot thereby creating a wider surface of beach sand  to enjoy. I cannot imagine how an ocean can shift itself so drastically. But it does. I saw the before and now the after.
   Much work by every resort employee went into clearing up all the mess left by Irma and they toiled with speed and pride to get the resort back to a place that both they and their guests would enjoy again. 
   We sure did.  And having been there before we were amazed both by what a storm can do to restructure the landscape and how hard and fast the determined staff has managed to clear and rebuild all that was needed.  They were given the tools and supplies promply and they did whatever they could. Chefs, waiters, housekeepers all did everything needed until the place was ready for them to resume their regular roles. And they greeted and welcomed us back with big smiles happy to see us again. Incredible.
   Of course some took a moment to share their story of their experience and we listened with much admiration. 


Joyful said...

I've been waiting to hear how your trip went because you are the 2nd blogger I know to have traveled to the Caribbean after Irma. I've never been to the area myself. When I look at your photo the beach and resort look wonderful. I'm sorry to hear that the forested area was all decimated.

Olga said...

Several years ago we took a trip to St Martin after a devastating hurricane had hit. It is quite an eye opener to see what the forces of nature can do. It sounds as though you enjoyed the reprieve from winter. I noted the contrast between this post's and the last post's pictures of views from a window.

George said...

I'm glad the resort was able to get back in shape to receive guests so quickly. It must have taken an amazing effort by everyone to get ready so quickly. It's amazing all the damage a hurricane can do.

Dee said...

Dear Heidrun, the northeastern that swept through the mid-Atlantic and the New England states here in the U.S. left real devastation and another one is racing up the coast and will dump considerable snow today and tomorrow. The first storm took down power lines and demolished homes along the shore.

So the pictures we are seeing on national television make me think of those I saw when the hurricane Irma hit the Caribbean. How wonderful that everyone there chipped in and made the resort habitable for visitors. I bet you have many wonderfully inspiring stories to tell. I'd like to hear them. Peace.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it really looks beautiful in your photo, that storm did a number on Florida and most of it is still to be repaired.

Linda Reeder said...

It sounds like a lot of hard work went into cleaning up ans restoring after the hurricane. They are fortunate to have recovered so well.