Tuesday, November 2, 2010

It's Coming

Halloween is over and Christmas has been launched by the stores and the media. This photo of 'cats' stuck in an evergreen shrub reflect my sentiments of displeasure at being pushed and pulled by all the commercialism that has become the norm. We are lured into spending and made to feel guilty if we do not deliver the the goods on a wish list. Pressure?
I love the holiday season and plan to bake and make goodies but I will limit the shopping to one specially selected gift per family member. The fire taught us some better values. The 'cats' can be found at the damaged home still awaiting repair.


Mrs. Fry said...

Love this post!

I hate that Christmas music is thrusted upon right after Halloween. It does not extend the holiday for me.

I am with you. One special gift!

George said...

Down here the stores were putting up Christmas displays before Halloween. I enjoy Christmas, but I, too, resent the pressure to spend too much money.

SquirrelQueen said...

I saw stores putting up Christmas decorations before Halloween. I remember when it was the norm for stores to display Christmas immediately after Thanksgiving but now they seem to get earlier every year. Pretty soon we will hear Christmas music in July.

I love the cats in the tree photo.

Anonymous said...

Honest, I think if one reads between the lines, there is marketing/selling/commercialism is every holiday – from Christmas and Easter to Halloween and Father's Day. It is all about spending money.

Anonymous said...
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Arkansas Patti said...

It really takes the pleasure out of holidays with the way to early push. We started here before Halloween. I can't help but wonder how kids view this? It used to be hard to wait a month, now they have two months and more to think about it.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

cut cat decorattions. we stopped doing Christmas gifts 5 years ago, no childen in our family now, all 21 and above even grand kids. i am a real bah humbug and do not like the fact Christmas started in the store weeks ago, at lleast wait until after t giving. things cost so much people have to start early and don't forget the ones who will go deep into debt for this holiday that was meant to remember that Christ is born...

Usba said...

We celebrate Christmas starting September 1st:) Imagine the "torture":) LOL

Patty said...

I don't even want to think about Christmas. I think one reason I like Thanksgiving, no presents to buy and worry about, just a good meal and family getting together. How long ago was your fire?

Joyful said...

I totally agree with your sentiments. My travels to Africa have put a kibosh on excessive spending for material "pleasures". I rather enjoy the holiday with loved ones without all the trappings.