Friday, November 19, 2010

Custom Made

Custom made in 1977.
Knitting was one of the ways my mom and my aunt created gifts for the festive days. My mom's specialty was to create sweaters that used up all the left over bits of wool. She always created such interesting patterns. This sweater was knitted for Buddy years ago and it has survived. My knitting skills never matched theirs. I prefer to sew or crochet. But lately I rarely make things and I miss that. This year I shall change that and create a framed photo as a gift. That seems like a project I can handle and even enjoy doing. Have you got a gift project?


George said...

This is a beautiful sweater. I'm not very talented at crafts, but we have created a calendar which we are using as a gift.

Arkansas Patti said...

That is really a cheery sweater. Hand made gifts are the very best. Wish I were crafty.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

very nice and colorful. I have never been able to knit or sew or do anything like that. it makes me crazy to even try.

Olga said...

That is a beautiful sweater. i have to be making something all the time.

Mrs. Fry said...

I have been crocheting. All I can make are blankets. I always mess up the edges, but it is relaxing. I have crocheted in over 25 years, but I just started again the other day.

I love this sweater. I prefer handmade knitted things to crochet.

Lovely sweater, so intricate.

Joyful said...

It's a beautiful sweater. I am not much of a knitter. I've only made some dishcloths in 2010. I have no plans for another knitting projects in 2011 other than to make more dishcloths and perhaps some slippers. I will however continue to make some crocheted doilies which I love to do. If I can have the patience I would also love to do some embroidery which I haven't done in many years.