Thursday, August 19, 2010

African Violet

This pretty violet sits on our rescued kitchen table where we used to eat with her. It is a flower that gets me smiling. Some were grown in my auntie's apartment and on birthdays we would get one. We weren't very successful at maintaining them so she just gave us a new one annually. It became a tradition. Now that she's passed we still love a violet. When we see one we all think of her. And we've learned to respect it and keep it growing. She loved to sing," You are my sunshine..." to us. We still smile when we hear it. Could she be sending her kind of sunshine on it and us too?


Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Today I posted a better photo of the violet and when I read the post I noticed I had somehow erases every comment made. So sad and very sorry too!!!

Gerry's Soap N Stuff said...

This post hits home. My daddy's sister rooted her violets and had them lined up on a table in her sunroom. She presented all of her visitors with a nice healthy young plant upon each visit. Her pretty plants were well received. I can remember her picking for a really nice one for my mother. I enjoy violet plants because of my aunt. Great memories pf long ago. Gerry