Wednesday, February 5, 2020


Chillie Pepper came to live at our house full time almost two years ago. My daughter left her with us as she moved into a small country town for work. She can be very affectionate and drools when petted. She also likes to lo lick my skin if I am not careful. I do not want to be mean but I find her wet stuff scary since she has had her share of parasites. No we do know one cat parasite will transfer to humans and may be located at a brain level where it cab stay forever. Why? Maybe to ensure the human becomes part of the cat world?
I also have Ellie who was left behind over 8 years ago by my daughter who married moved to UK. Ellie is now 14 and is a rescue pet who just comes around for a feed, a brushing or a little petting. She is not into licks.  
 I think I am not a true cat lover  because I do not really enjoy cleaning their litter every other day. That is the what I dislike very much and I feel bad about it.
Are you fond of cats?
Have you seen the movie or the live production? 
Buddy loves both cats and we did manage to see the live show once but years ago. 
He is keen to join me to shop for food and litter and sometimes cat grass. He will feed them but litter is left for me to clean.
  OH OUR CATS are my dilemma.


George said...

I must admit that I am not much of a cat person, but my daughter loves them and has two. We always had dogs on the farm when I was growing up, so I guess that is what made me a dog person, although we don't have a dog either.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I like them but have never had one. I saw your comment about no one writing on your other blog, for some reason when you post on it, it doesn't come in my feedly. no idea why. I will try deleting it and re add to see if it jogs it.

Arkansas Patti said...

I do enjoy cats and have an extremely affectionate one in Minnie but for some reason the other day she reached out and bit my arm. I am watching it closely though for you are right. Their bites and saliva can cause serious infections.
Get an automatic litter box. They are wonderful and almost trouble free.

Olga said...

I had a cat that I rescued who tolerated me at times but absolutely adored my husband (who never once cleaned the litter box although he did one time ask if I wanted to get one of those self cleaning litter boxes). My heart was broken when he died all the same. (the cat and my husband both) I have no desire for another cat, something my daughter and grandchildren cannot comprehend. I guess I was a one cat person. I would consider another man in my life.

Hootin Anni said...

I'm here from Sandra's blog where I saw your comment about visitors to yours. I read your profile (I have a grandson with Down's). I love cats! I've had at least one cat since I'm 70 & still a cat lover.

Dee said...

Dear Heidrun, I'm a true cat lover and even the litter doesn't bother me. I've lived alone for 47 years and cats have become not only companions, but family to me. I think that's why I've written three gift books about cats.

But I do understand that many people don't care for cats and their sometimes aloof ways. And they do have habits that can annoy many people.

I understand the licking and the parasites. Also, a dear friend was scratched by her cat and got an infection that lasted quite a long while. So there are both pros and cons--as with everything! Peace.

Joyful said...

I never liked grown cats as a child but I did love kittens always. Too bad they grow up, lol. But I did own a rescue cat and she was very lovely. I miss her but I don't miss the clean up because I don't have the energy to do it all. I am hoping to get another cat but not quite sure when. I think once I've decluttered to my satisfaction then clean up will be easier.