Monday, September 4, 2017

Harbour Front

The rope ladders look like one could climb into the heavens.

This is a view to the island where Billy Bishop Airport is situated. Seeing the planes not far off and birds all around makes me wonder how safe the captains feel about their take off. Beyond the island on a clear day one can see the Niagara Falls area.
I love how highlites of our city, the Roger Centre and the CN Tower were captured with the tall ship in the for ground. It even seems like the tower is sticking out from the condo. I wonder if the mother and  her two little tots live in a highrise close by. They are not visible. Only her bag and two strollers are. She is off chasing them somewhere behind the tree.


Sandi said...

This makes me want to go sailing. I can almost hear the gulls!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

tall ships are beautiful against that blue sky. I have seen men in the tops of those riggings and it scared me silly. not for me to climb those beauties

Linda said...

Beautiful photos, dear friend! I love the sea and being on and around the water!

Olga said...

A very nice post.

Arkansas Patti said...

Nothing more romantic nor adventurous looking than tall ships. Nice shots.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Gorgeous tall ships! Might be a bit fearful with the airport so close to the water, though!