Monday, March 16, 2015


   It has been a very cold winter with February being one of the coldest on record. Hubby had his 75th birthday around the middle of the month and we stayed around for a family dinner but the very next day we headed south to find warm sun and some greenery.

Santa Lucia Camaguey was the perfect spot.
And Buddy is very happy that March 17 is for celebrating things green and that spring is just days away.


Sandi said...


This is so breathtakingly beautiful. What an amazing place!

I have to ask...what are those green fruits? Limes...hmm...avocados...not quite...papiyah...I can't even spell that! It's probably something so obvious I'll feel silly for asking! :)

Was this your first time there?

Olga said...

Lovely. How appropriate for St. Patrick's Day, as well,
Buddy looks like a tropics kind of guy!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

glad you all got to enjoy the palms and warm weather, a break from the winter cold.

George said...

I'm glad you were able to celebrate 'green' in style this year. Green is especially wonderful after all that white!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day... Glad to hear from you. Happy Belated Birthday to your hubby...

Looks like you did find some GREEN on your trip south.. Beautiful...


Linda said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day, Heidi. Your photos are gorgeous. Thank you so much for sharing. And green is my favourite colour. :)

Kiki said...

Liebe Heidrun,
da bin ich wieder einmal. Ich muss mich in der letzten Zeit um meine erkrankte Mama kümmern.
Ich erfreue mich immer an deinen Fotos. So kann ich gut sehen, was ihr so alles erlebt und unternehmt.
Liebe Grüße,

A Colorful World said...

What a delightful trip...after a milestone birthday in the cold. It looks like the perfect spot to warm up! I know you all had a great time!

Dee said...

Dear Heidrun, I'm wondering where Santa Lucia Camaguey is. In the Caribbean? It's wonderful that the three of you take short vacations together and enjoy one another's company so much. And those vacations give you so much to talk about when you get back home. They build memories you all loving family. Peace.

Kiki said...

Liebe Heidrun!
Ich wünsche dir ein frohes Osterfest mit viel Sonnenschein.(Hoffe ich jedenfalls!!)Vielleicht begegnest Du ja sogar dem Osterhasen oder findest ein paar bunt bemalte Eier! Nutze die freien Tage, um mal richtig abzuschalten und die Seele baumeln zu lassen, und hab’ gemütliche Stunden im Kreise lieber Menschen. Dazu noch ein leckeres Essen und die warmen Strahlen der Frühlingssonne - was will man mehr?
Herzliche Ostergrüße von