Wednesday, December 24, 2014


May your holiday be filled with love and joy!

Buddy is excited and very happy the tree done in time for tonight. We managed to get it decorated on the eve of the 22nd which is when it was done in my childhood days in Germany using a real fir tree. 
Times have changed. In the past years I usually had it up sooner including the real ones. This year I nearly didn't put one up. I tossing with the idea of just going to my daughter's but she wanted to come here to make us turkey dinnerd. Also Buddy reminded my about the spirit of the season and Santa. His enthusiasm brought back the magic I was loosing. He must have some angel tucked away in his soul. He is so right.
It is a time to be filled with goodness and to share it. That's what gives us real joy.
From Buddy and myself have a very Merry Christmas as we pause from gift wrapping to send this out into the cyber world via blogger dear friends.


Olga said...

Wishing you all the best of the season. Merry Christmas.

Sandi said...

A beautiful tree!


Smiling at how Buddy "saved" Christmas. What a blessing!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Merry Christmas to all of you and i am with Buddy, have a wonderful Christmas Buddy... glad you got your tree and it is beautiful

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Merry Christmas, Heidi and Buddy --and the family... May all of you have a very blessed day... God Bless All of you.


Kiki said...

Hallo liebe Heidrun,
am Jahresende (fast!) möchte ich schnell noch einmal bei dir vorbeischauen.Fürs neue Jahr wünsche ich dir und deiner Familie soviel Glück, wie der Regen Tropfen hat, soviel Liebe wie die Sonne Strahlen hat und soviel Gutes wie der Regenbogen Farben hat!
Liebe Grüße und einen guten Rutsch,