Monday, December 1, 2014


For weeks Buddy has been telling me we are almost at December and it will be time to decorate for the festive season. He has waited patiently.  We've enjoyed a busy last week of November because my daughter and her hubby flew in from UK to surprise his Ma for her 60th BD and it was a huge family event last Sunday. 
 On Wednesday we had my family over for a German style lunch and the then hubby's brother and family for a curry feast while celebrating our niece's M.A. grad!
                Food was a yummy Thai buffet at Ma's surprise party.
 The luncheon was yeast dumplings with a choice of home made beef mushroom Gulasch or Szegediner Gulasch, a sauerkraut style stew.
In the photo is my older daughter next to my sis and her hubby, Buddy's favourite uncle because they joke around a lot when together.
Youngest daughter is chatting with her aunt to her left and cousins to her right. The eve went too fast but all in all it was a big fun family day. Young daughter even managed to add extra chillies to create a very hot chicken curry which was cooked by many and loved by those who love heat!

By Wednesday our wreaths were on the front door. A lovely winter planter at the foot of the outdoor steps came thanks to our garden gal who arrived at 7:30am to spruce up our gardens for wintertime and our family event that day. Thank goodness for her cheer.

And of course the indoor decore had begun in the kitchen family room area and the living dining room. A new table cloth was bought for this year since daughter's kitten managed to get her claws into our previous one adding some unique fabric clumps.

This lovely plant was a gift from Leif Olsen's widow, Linda who was happy to join in our busy day to see us.

Linda is to the left of my sister.
As I type Buddy is busy creating the December calendar for our family events. He's exceptionally cheerful right now.
So how are the things shaping up out your way?


Sandi said...


Do you ever share your Chicken Curry recipe?

Olga said...

You have many cheerful touches to your home. i hope you all continue to enjoy the festive season with Buddy leading the way.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your door is beautiful and i like the 60 candles, what a beautiful and creative way to do the candles. and yummy to... love the birch in the greenery. beautiful. i know Buddy is excited with all this going on

Manzanita said...

Let me wish you belated good wishes on your 60ith. I really love the originality of the candles in (cup cakes?) Quite the twinklig blaze.
I like all your decorations and enjoyed seeing your family.

Arkansas Patti said...

I really liked the cup cake candles also forming her age. Very clever.
You and Buddy are doing a great job and I know Buddy is glad it is all finally starting.
Have fun.

Kiki said...

Liebe Heidrun!

Du hast eine sehr schöne Weihnachtsdeko. Und hübsche Fotos von eurer Familienfeier.

Immer ein Lichtlein mehr
im Kranz, den wir gewunden,
daß er leuchte uns so sehr
durch die dunklen Stunden.

Zwei und drei und dann vier!
Rund um den Kranz welch ein Schimmer,
und so leuchten auch wir,
und so leuchtet das Zimmer.

Und so leuchtet die Welt
langsam der Weihnacht entgegen.
Und der in Händen sie hält,
weiß um den Segen!

-Matthias Claudius-

Ich wünsche Dir und Deiner Familie einen besinnlichen und gemütlichen 2. Adventstonntag. Gerade höre ich Weihnachtslieder von Frank Sinatra. Den mag ich sehr gerne.

Liebe Grüße,

Dee said...

Dear Heidrun, your home looked lovely two weeks ago when you posted this. I suspect that now it sparkles with lights and decorations. Peace during this season of Advent and may your expectations come to fruition in the New Year. Peace.