Thursday, September 5, 2013


Our SHOWBIZ rose situated out front and it has been the spotlight of the flowerbed. Everyday it's bright red blossoms just makes us smile.

Off to the right side of the same flowerbed sit this beauty, BONICA. It has bloomed continually since we put it in the ground.

Buddy and I are very happy with these two gorgeous plants. It was my first set of roses in the garden after many years and I must say these two have been a treat to watch. They are hardy and did well no matter what the weather. They sit on the south front lawn where there is very little shade.
As the season comes to an end we are now concerned about caring for them over the winter months. Do you have any helpful tips?

PS. Hubby is back to his normal routine minus his need cigars and alcohol.
      What a blessing that is for us!
      I have an eye exam on Sept. 6th and a heart stress test on Sept.11. 
      I am hoping that both will show no serious set backs but one never knows.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i wish you the best with both appointments.. and these roses are just beautiful.. we don't have cold here so i have no suggestions

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Gorgeous roses... We cut ours back during the winter and they will go dormant. I'm sure yours will do that also.

Our prayers are with you constantly.....

Dee said...

Dear Heidrun, I so hope the eye exam went well yesterday and that the heart stress test will also go well on the 11th--that's my dad's birthday. It's a good day!

I'm glad that life, minus cigars and alcohol, is better for your husband and that you and Buddy are enjoying the roses. I've never raised them and so can offer no help about their winterizing. Peace.

Arkansas Patti said...

Betsy knows roses so I would heed her advice.
I do hope both your check ups go quite well.
Congrats on your hubby being able to give up two such sadly harmful pleasures.

Regina said...

Heidrun, was für wunderschöne Rosen!
Rosen decke ich am unteren Teil mit viel Erde ab und über den "Kopf" wickele ich ein großes Stück Folie oder einen Jute-Sack! So hat bis jetzt jede Rose bei mir den Winter überlebt!

liebe Grüße aus der Ferne

Unknown said...
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Kiki said...

Liebe Heidrun,
das Bild in deinem Header ist wunder-, wunderschön!!! Und deine rosen kann ich fast riechen!
Für deine Tests wünsche ich dir alles, alles Gute!
Liebe Grüße,

George said...

I hope you got news during both of your appointments. Your roses are beautiful. To help your roses make it through the winter, place a mound of some mulch about 6 inches high around the base of each plant.

Anonymous said...

I hope all goes well with the rest of your tests, no cigars, no alcohol, some men would find that very hard to give up!Your roses are beautiful, I love the rose just as much when its in the bud as when they are blossomed, full bloom.
The chicken stew is cooked then I mix flour, salt baking powder , rub in a couple of spoons of shortening or butter, stir in the milk and drop spoonfuls into the hot stew, put the lid on and cook for twenty minutes, just plain but very good, we don't have self raising flour here in Canada,thats why I have to add the baking powder, thank you for your kind words,

Alan Burnett said...

What lovely photographs. Glad your hubby is feeling better - but send him my sympathy for his loss of cigars and alcohol (two of the finest discoveries of mankind)