Friday, May 31, 2013

My Tough May

Flowers were a gift for me to bring some cheer.
 Here's how Buddy set up his new room and loves it.

 Sadly he had to have 4 teeth extracted so soup was in order for his soft diet along with pain meds and antibiotics but he braved the two weeks of agony like a trooper!
This month of May was both happy with our move and then a huge challenge as I fight my recurring cancer that seems to have decided to be in the lymph system now. Pain came but it's better. Weight loss was rapid. As I fight to gain control of that disease I have very little desire to blog although I miss you all very much! I think of you almost daily. 
Your emails and prayers help too. I can read then on my phone. Going to my laptop is just hard at the moment. Thanks for your visits and I pray you'll come along with me as I push forward to the next phase of my already tough life.
Let's hope this is just a hiccup.
For those of you who don't know, I was diagnosed with colon cancer on
June 4th, 2008 just two months after we lost our home to fire. I had surgery for that. I also had an eye surgery in May 2011 and am on the list again for my other eye to try to slow down and improve vision loss from macula degeneration.
On good days I smile and feel like a teenager fixing my new home but then come those dark days flooded with pains and listlessness. Buddy helps me smile. Hubby not so much. His worry is very visible:(


Joyful said...

Yes, it has been a tough May. I can see from everything you've gone through that you are a real trooper. I'm sure Buddy helps you keep pressing on. Just know you are dear to many and though we can't walk the same steps as you, we can walk beside you. Know you are loved and prayed for by many. Hugs. xx

Patty said...

Buddy has set up his room very nicely. Tell him it looks as though he did a great job.

Sorry to hear about his teeth, I use to hate dentist, still don't like them too well. By the time I was 16 and had been through some health issues, I ended up with about half of my teeth needing filled, and this dentist did it without Novocaine and sometimes the drill would slip off the tooth and hit the gum, and then it would bleed, he wasn't a very compassionate dentist, but that's who my parents went to.

Hope his mouth healed nicely.

Patty said...

I'm sorry I haven't been around much, I didn't even realize until now, that your family had moved into a different home.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this morning your other blog popped up in my feedly, that is what i use to read blogs now and for some reason when i changed to feedly, this blog did not go into feedly. so i have missed the post on this one. Buddy's room is perfect, i like that color. and i love your mantle under the Tv. So sorry the cancer is giving you a fit again. and it is hard on the spouse to keep their spirits up...

Olga said...

You are in my thoughts. I sincerely hope things will improve. You have good reasons to keep up the good fight.

Arkansas Patti said...

I feel for Buddy. One tooth extraction gave me fits. Can't imagine 4!!! Glad he troopered through.
I am so sorry you are going through such a rough time and hope you are soon able to kick Cancer's butt once again. Keep fighting.
You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Sally Wessely said...

Forgive me for being away so long. I've been away from blogs for many reasons, some of which were because of my own health. I'm so sorry you are fighting this monster again. You are in my thoughts and prayers. God bless you. As Olga said, you have good reasons to fight the good fight.

Regina said...

euer Haus habt ihr ganz wundervoll eingerichtet!
Drücke dich mal ganz dolle aus der Ferne! Wünsche dir viel Kraft und alles Gute!

liebe Grüße Regina

Snowbrush said...

I'm sad your husband isn't so supportive, but I haven't been in his shoes, and, in all honesty, I had rather it be me with the cancer than my wife, so maybe he feels the same way. A lot of us men take it very hard when our women are sick.

Snowbrush said...

Tell Buddy that he and I have the same taste in shoes, and that I like his room very much.

Dee said...

Dear Heidrun, I so hope that life is improving for you and that the cancer is going to go into remission again. I'm so glad that Buddy is there to help you smile and to bring joy to your days. I can understand your husband being so worried about what's happening. Life truly does often throw us curve balls! I hope this one you can bat out of the park into a healthy home run for yourself and all those whose lives you have touched.

I don't know why I'm using a baseball analogy here, but it's the season for baseball and I've always loved the game. Peace.

A Colorful World said...

Oh Heidrun! I am so sorry. I didn't know because I am awful about keeping up with everyone! Please forgive me. I hope since you posted this, that they have gotten this thing under control and that you are on the long road to recovery. I will keep you in my prayers!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

You are always in my prayers. I am happy for your move --and Buddy has a beautiful room...

God Bless.