Friday, February 8, 2013

Still Piling Up Higher

The snow just keeps on falling and the screen door no longer slides open. This is our greatest snowfall since 2007.
Windows open inwards so we can still get some fresh air but we will likely stay near the cosy fireplace.

And from the patio door near to it we'll watch this all unfold. See the soft and fluffy snow on our BBQ? No outdoor cooking tonight!! LOL

It's heart month so we'll be sure not to shovel too hard. And this is no weather to test my new wheels. I requested daughter to please come with the old SUV AWD and lend a hand. Thankfully she did and so did her friend who spent many hours digging us and our elderly neighbour out.  


Olga said...

oh, that is a pile of snow. I hope you have plenty of indoor activities planned.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

wow, that is a ton of snow... love your orchid pic... stay warm and safe

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

blogging for sure.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Well thank you so much.

EG CameraGirl said...

Lots of snow! It'll be interesting to see aht our world looks like after today's rain!

Dee said...

Dear Heidrun, I'm so glad to learn that you had help! I lived in Minnesota for 38 years and after every big snowfall, there would be announcements in the paper and on television news of how many people had a heart attack while shoveling. Be good to yourself always and make that call for help. Peace.

Beth Niquette said...

Good gravy! Wow! We haven't seen one snow flake this winter. It has frozen a few times--but it has been mostly mild. I just love snow, and I'm quite envious of your magnificent snowfall!

About the picture Blue Green Forest--I was looking at a card a friend sent. It had a wonderful piece of Bev Doolittle's artwork--she's been an inspiration to me for years. She hides faces and animals in her paintings. I also love to hide things in my artwork.

I was inspired, so I worked on putting a face into the drawing--it started as a lineart piece, then a colored ink drawing and finally a watercolor painting. I wanted people to see the trees...and then, after looking a bit, to see the girl's face.

This is a face I draw quite often. I want to do one for each season. This may be Spring, though I have other ideas of a face hidden in apple trees with spring blossoms. (grin)

I'm so sorry you have been ill. Many people here are catching that flu, too--it hangs on forever. Prayers for sunshine and unexpected joy headed your way, dear Lady. Right now, this moment.

Rosalind Adam said...

Now that's what I call a snowfall. Here in the UK everything grinds to a halt with the first few flakes. We'd never survive in your country... or rather we'd have to learn to survive! Keep warm.

A Colorful World said...

Beautiful snow! Good advice not to shovel too hard during this Heart Month! What kind of new wheels did you get?

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Thanks you so much. I love your colour schemes.

Kiki said...

Liebe Heidrun!
Wow, das sind ja gigantische Schneemengen!!!! Da kann ich nicht mithalten. Unglaublich wieviel es bei dir geschneit hat. Und tolle Fotos hast du vom Schnee gemacht. Das eingeschneite Fenster gefällt mir sehr! ;-))
Es tut mir sehr leid, dass dein Kommentar bei mir verschwunden ist. Allerdings weiß ich nicht, was da passiert ist. Normalerweise bekomme ich auch immer eine Meldung, wenn ein kommentar eingetragen wurde. Das habe ich in diesem Fall auch nicht. Aber die Blogs machen so wie so oft was sie wollen! Da habe ich schon die tollsten Dinge erlebt!
Aber ich kann dir versichern, ich habe keinen Kommentar von dir gelöscht. So etwas würde ich auch nie machen. Ich freue mich doch sehr, wenn du mal bei mir vorbei schaust. Danke dir dafür.
Liebe Grüße zu dir,

Kiki said...
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