Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Time to Snooze

While the wind was blowing and the rain was drizzling Buddy and I were engaged in reading the Kindle version of the latest book  Dulcy, A Cat's Legacy by Dee Ready. Ellie, at the foot of my bed, looked on but she couldn't seem to stay focused. 
She's telling us it's time for a snooze.


Snowbrush said...

My cat, who looks much like your cat, says the same.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

beautiful kitty cat... i love my kindle

Beth Niquette said...

What a little beauty! lol We have a cat who's the life of the party. Her name is Toez the Polydactyl Cat. She's just the weirdest looking cat I've ever seen--stripped like a little tiger with a loose layer of black fur over it. Her back half is lighter than her front half beginning with a precise ring of color. She has six toes on each foot, white whiskers on one side, black whiskers on the other. Green and gold eyes and a great sense of personality complete the ensemble. What would we do without our feline friends?! lol

Your kitty is a pretty cat!

Dee said...

Dear Heidrun, what a surprise to find that you are reading Dulcy's second book. Thank you so much for ordering it. I so hope you like it. It is quite different from "A Cat's Life: Dulcy's Story." Much more philosophical. I'd love to hear from you about your thoughts on the book.

By the way, one of the three cats with whom I live is also called Ellie. That is, I think, the Greek word for Hellen, which was my mom's name. Peace.

Regina said...

hallo, liebe Heidrun
die Katze sieht so zum Kuscheln aus! Meine Tochter hat 3 Katzen.

Gestern und heute hatten wir zwei ganz wundervolle sonnige Tage! Gestern war ich mit dem Hund in der Hundeschule und es war sogar für die Hunde viel zu warm.

Wünsche dir noch einen schönen Sonntag!

liebe Grüße

A Colorful World said...

Such a cute kitty! Was he bored? :-)