Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Bozos and Lego

   Buddy and I must take time for stimulating activities since both of us are now approaching the age of dementia faster than ever. The two of us went to see the movie 'Iron Lady' and discussed in detail how sad it is that Maggie can no longer rely on her memory to be accurate. We share that problem at times and we laugh as we call each other Bozos.
    Recently we completed a Harry Potter Lego project. It may look simple but let me assure you we had some real reconstruction issues when we learned that we had put some parts into an incorrect position and could not build the roof to complete the thing! But as you can see we were finally successful.
We purchased a new project involving a city harbour but have been hesitating to get started because once we do it's all we do. Yeah for Lego!


Pearl said...

:-) You are delightful.

And between you and I? Sometimes being a Bozo is one's best choice.


A Colorful World said...

Good for you! That's a wonderful project. I have attempted to put Lego sets together for our grandson and it is quite a feat! Thanks for your comment on my post!

Manzanita said...

Love your header. Roses, lovely and red. I don't thin that lego project looks simple at all. No way. Good job to the both of you.

Olga said...

A three dimensional jigsaw puzzle--that has to be a workout for the brain. Fun.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is a great idea, it is fun and helps the mental activity. funny story at the gym this morning, one of the ladies told me she took her husband to get his chemo treatment, and she went to the car to bring it up to the door to pick him up in his wheel chair and when she got out on the highway realized she did not have him and had to go back, she was upset with the doctor and fretting in her head and just kept driving, only a block but still she did forget him

Anonymous said...

These can be quite complicated, like your photo shows. I remember our kids had them when they were small but I don't think you could do as many things with them in those days.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great projects ---not just for you and Buddy, but for all of us... We do need to keep our minds BUSY and ACTIVE. You two are doing a great job of it... My kids used to love Legos...

Love that photo (thumbnail) of you. Have a great weekend.

EG CameraGirl said...

Building Lego objects sounds like a great way to exercise our brains! I wonder if my grandson will let me borrow his Legos!

Murr Brewster said...

I never had Legos but we did have those wooden dowel-and-wheel jobbies and a plastic snap-together brick set. Just thinking about it all makes me want to get a new set of Tiddly Winks and have myself a time. By the way, your new profile pic is hot.

Dee said...

Dear Kleinste Motte,
I like to think of you and Buddy huddled over the lego scene, putting together Hogsworth village.

Are there many of these scenes available? What do you do with them after you complete them? Does Buddy have a shelf to put them on? Or do you have a room just for your lego scenes?


Shammickite said...

Lego is quite a challenge isn't it?
I have a huge box of Lego that both my sons played with when they were little. They both loved Lego. Not a day went by without there being an assortment of Lego pieces on the carpet. I wonder how many of the little pieces went up into the vacuum cleaner over the years?

A Colorful World said...

Thanks for your comment on my photos...I think the round thing you are asking about is the top of a saguaro cactus peeking into the bottom of the picture.

Mrs. Fry said...

I am dropping by to comment. Who doesn't love Legos? Who doesn't love Moms who play with Legos? What Mom doesn't love Legos that keep their children, young and old occupied. I love legos!