Friday, November 11, 2011


Ottawa is where our nation has it's annual event and we commemorate bilingually.Both English and French are official languages. And all religions are represented. That is what we do in Canada.

And we are proud of our daughter who took time to serve in Air Cadets. She marched in the band to honour those who gave their lives during past wars. This Remembrance was held right here in our local community.
We should all give back to our country what ever we can. It is our duty and we should be proud of the rights and freedoms we are blessed with.

Our American friends are also remembering their veterans on their Veterans Day today. They share the same blessing and honour their fallen for the same reasons.


EG CameraGirl said...

Your daughter is a lovely girl!

Arkansas Patti said...

What a pretty girl you daughter is and it is nice to know the two countries honor their veterans on the same day.
To answer your question about the Rainbow Bridge.
It is the hopeful place where departed pets and their owners meet when life is done.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

a beautiful daughter and you are blessed to have her.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful portrait of a lovely daughter and I think ladies and gents look their best when in the uniform that represents their country.

I got a wonderful free meal for being a veteran here today. This wonderful restaurant let all vets eat free and the place was swarmed with vets of all ages. And the food was great and a buffet.

Patty said...

Beautiful daughter. I will have to post our Granddaughter who served 6 months in Iraq at the beginning of the war. Thanks for your visit.Hope all is going well with you and your family.

Dee said...

Armistice Day is one that helps us remember people like your daughter and all the other young men and women who have devoted years of their life to defending the beliefs of their countries. I'm glad you posted about Canada today and gave us some photographs that show the day.

I want to thank you also for your comment on my posting about donning the habit. Like you, I think we can hide behind the uniform of the habit. I'm saddened to hear that the nuns didn't hug you when you so needed their compassion and understanding and love.

The thing is that I think we need to "clothe" ourselves each day in what will touch for good the lives of others. It is the wearing of Oneness that unites us--not the habit or the uniform or the clothes that say rich or poor.


Anonymous said...

Thought I would mention that I just had a telephone call from California. I spoke to my old boss. He was a Captain back in 1954 and I was a Corporal. He is now 92 and told me today that he was in WWII, Korea and in Japan where I was and out of all the people he knew and thought he would never forget, I am the only one left. So we talked a little about him and his problems but he is doing OK and gets help several days a week.

He called to wish me a belated Happy Veterans Day.

Sandi said...

Remembrance Day, Armistice Day, Veteran's Day . . . I find it heartening that so many places in our world honor our men and women who serve. A lovely post and lovely photo of your daughter!

Thank you for your recent comments on my post. I am encouraged by you and others who have made decisions to take this journey one step at a time. I appreciate your thoughts!

A Colorful World said...

Great photos! I know it was a great day of celebration there in Canada. I appreciated your comment on my Vetrran's Day post as well! How proud you must be of your daughter! God bless!

Snowbrush said...

In America, religion isn't really supposed to have a place at civic events. Of course, the politicians--who nearly all claim to be Christians--ignore that though.

Anonymous said...

The man in California was my boss in Japan in 1954. He stayed in touch with several people from WWII, Korea, Vietnam and mentioned when he talked to me that I am the only one left that he knew when he was overseas. I guess the rest have died. So it is him and me, so to speak.