Tuesday, June 21, 2011


  Wish that a cure for the skin disorder was available. In the dust bin is some of the skin that Buddy sheds constantly every day. The amount is huge. Keeping him comfortable is very important but also challenging. 

These days he smiles at us and tells us he's making plans for his birthday dinner party. A new Harry Potter movie will be released on his BD and that's tops on his wish list. WOW!!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have never seen anything like this, and i can't even imagine the challenge it is. my daugther in law has a skin disease that is so painful for her, but hers is raw and bleeds, not dry like this. she is disable from hers. life is just not fair, but then you know that

Arkansas Patti said...

I have never seen anything like that. Now that is a pile of skin. He must be exhausted making new cells all the time. Hope they find something soon to give him relief.

Patty said...

So sorry Buddy has a skin problem, wish they could find something that would help it to go completely away.

Some of our daughters are waiting for the new Harry Potter to be released, they can hardly wait to see it. Hope he gets to go for his Birthday.

christine said...

Poor Buddy, how debilitating must that be for him, and you? Hope they sort out a cure soon1

Beth Niquette said...

Oh, my dear. Wow. I can't imagine living with that kind of condition. You are an amazing lady to do this for him. I am overcome with awe--and admiration.

teri said...

is it psoriasis? My son has severe psoriasis, but he's taking a new medication by injection (maybe monthly? not sure) that is helping significantly. He would be out of his mind with itching if he didn't have it.