Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tricycle Birdbath

There's a mourning dove on the handlebar She likes the small birdbath we created.
Yellow finches are spending time at the feeder on the right of the nectarine tree in blossom. Though all are small items in my backyard they bring immense joy.
Ellie, our new cat, also enjoys the birdbath and feeders. She's only able to go outdoors on a leash. We must keep the birds and her safe from harm. 


MadSnapper n Beau said...

ellie is beautiful and looks so sweet. that is really neat to have the birdbath on a tricycle. good idea and your header is gorgeous!

Olga said...

What a clever bird bath. Ellie sure looks like she is enjoying her bird watching. Smart to train her with a leash for outdoor time.

George said...

I really like your tricycle birdbath. I'm glad your feeders attract lots of birds. I hope Ellie doesn't mind her leash.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Love the tricycle birdbath, Heidi.... SO cute....Also love Miss Ellie.. She's a beauty. Glad you are keeping her away from the birds though...


Snowbrush said...

Our cats look alike. We keep ours (his name is Brewsky) indoors. Although we have a harness for him, I'm a little worried that if he got a taste of the great outdoors that he might become eager to run out when the door is open.

Beth Niquette said...

What an adorable idea! Your cat is cute, too. lol