Thursday, February 10, 2011


The sun is pouring down on our deck and even though it's a cool -13C this orchid's warm and cosy. It has been tricked into believing it's in a tropical paradise because of a pane of glass and an indoor heating system. It awaits pollination but there's little hope of that happening. Hope??

We have created a lot of artificial environments to grow plants. They are intended to be for our benefit. Have you ever been to a food producing green house? 


George said...

Your orchid is lovely, and it's a nice contrast to the snow and cold behind it. I have thought about getting a small greenhouse, but I would use it mostly for flowers rather than vegetables.

Anonymous said...

It looks brave in that cold. We had -19.4 this morning here in Ohio. It was cold in the office. So the furnace repair man was welcome with open arms. It is warm tonight.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi There, Glad you are getting some nice sunshine despite the cold temps. The Orchid is gorgeous!!!! Reminds me of our trip to the conservatory at the Biltmore House in Asheville. Beautiful INDOOR flowers...

Never been to a food producing green house --but I am sure that some of our foods are grown that way...

Have a nice weekend.

Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful orchid. I agree with George; love the contrast of the yellow against the white.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the flowers are beautiful and look like sunshine. i have not been to a food green house only flowers. i do know that hot house veggies dont have the same taste as grown outside does.

Beth Niquette said...

What a beautiful flower--and with that snowy backdrop!

lol Yes, I have been in a hydroponic greenhouse--all run by natural means, including solar power. It is an amazing experience.