Friday, February 18, 2011

Hannover Royals

We hear and see so much about an upcoming royal wedding. Just about every media event refers to it. ELLEN is the funniest and in that spirit I'd like to mention that because I am from Hannover I ought to be invited. Buddy too. As you can see we know how to be dressed and ready for such a festive event. 
Now all we need is the RSVP card and we'll be on our way... LOL


Anonymous said...

You look like you are ready to go. I like the color of the photo.

George said...

You and Buddy definitely look ready for the big event. I'm sure the invitation will arrive soon.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i agree with george, you are ready for sure. this is a great photo, who took it for you.

Beth Niquette said...

Nice! I like the old fashioned color you've put to this photo. I really like the looks of this picture--it fills my eyes.