Friday, August 9, 2019


   During the nice days of summer we try to get out in our local area. One of our recent trips was go to downtown and theta the lake we opted for an island boat tout that lasts about an hour. It felt good to be out on the water.
   Moving along side the island shores we were struck by how high (3') the water level was. It has caused some serious damage and will continue to be an issue as rains are relentless and powerful. It is sad to see trees and BBQs bobbing in the water that once was parkland. Luckily many docks  along the coast are floating type so those with boats were able to moor them. After the tour we walked along the Queen's Quay boardwalk and again saw how high the water level is. Scary!!
Hope you like our photos.
I love the way the CN Tower appears to be part of a condo. Illusions can be fun. Of course the photo of me above was taken by Buddy who always takes pride in caring and sharing. Hope your August is a good one.