It was NewYear's eve when hubby made a kind gesture by arriving home with a bouquet of fresh cut flowers. White tulips, a very unusual flower for this time of yer. I was thrilled for my Mom passed on a tradition that one should have fresh flowers to go into the new year. Tulips were one of her favourite flowers. Earlier in the day Buddy and I had tried to pick up cut flowers at our local grocers but nothing worthy was left so we just brought home a few delicacies for our threesome to enjoy later that eve.
Buddy had asked for a party. I assured him we would have fun. He went down to the basement and brought up the hats and goodies that go with the tradition just before hubby came home.
Hubby still manages to head to his office though he gets very little done. At the moment we don't want to take that from him until becomes absolutely necessary since it is one aspect of his daily routine that helps his sense of self worth and identity. He believes he is fine.
Since by now many major clients as well as his trusted long employee have left him because of his behaviour that lead to huge arguments and disagreements it seems okay. His ability to be precise as their accountant is likely compromised as his dementia increases. No clients currently are at risk. He still has a few small trusted clients willing to hang in for now knowing things are changing.
It has been two weeks that the tulips came to our home and today they are still upright. I have never had tulips last so long. It is truly an unusual bunch. I smile when I see them.