Thursday, December 21, 2017


   On Sunday Buddy went down to the basement to bring up our tree as it was going to be cecorated later in the day. The tree is stored in three parts and usually it has been put together by a sister. This year was different. While hubby and I were binge watching Crown he managed to put the tree together as seen in the first photo. I was so happy for him as he felt very proud of this achievement.
   After supper his sister who dropped by joined him in putting the ornaments on the upright tree. First they figured out the lighting and added a remote for easy on off options and then they put the skirt around the base. There was lots of laughter and then we were called to see their creation. The smile I captured on Buddy’s face says it all. His joy brings joy to us.
   I took a close up of an ornament as our greeting to all of you.  Here’s wishing you the very best this holiday season. Seeing my reflection in it made me recall what a busy year has just passed us all globally and locally. May we be grateful for our blessings once again.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

International Arrivals

   Buddy waits patiently as I check for our prearranged taxi ride. We have come to spend a couple of weeks at our daughters to play with our grandgirl.
   The wee one is 17 months and already talks a lot and she has a mind of her own. With yes and no she selects what she wears and eats. She is so well coordinated that she can balance well on a tiny stool. I was quite surprised at the speed of  her development.
   Great news ; next grandbaby is arriving in June.
   We continue to try to keep up with all of you by reading and commenting. If we missed you lately please give us a nudge in the comment section.

Monday, October 2, 2017


the third week of September was one of unusually high tepmeratures. It was hotter than mosr of our July,August was this year. And since we wanted to enjoy the moment we set our for Wonderland on Sarurday September 23 where they had the theme of Oktoberfest.

Buddy was enjoying a tukey knockwurst with sauerkraut while trying to stay cool in the shahe as it was 38C. We managed to get on a log ride and were completely soaked. How refreshing.

 The evening came fast and we enjoyed our day trip. It has been years since we did a Wonderland visit.
  We love this season and are new to white pumpkins that are appearing this year. I hope your fall is as nice as ours so far.
  We do pray for help to the many less fortunate and try to send a bit of help and lots of positive vibes.
There are some very uprooted people on the globe at this time. We care.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Glimpses of Clouds

Soaring in the atmosphere brings us closers to cloud formations and sometines they appeal to our senses with awe. During my recent jouney while Irma, Jose and Maria cloud formations were toturing massive expanses below them the clouds surrounding our planes created a palette of art for the eyes to feast on.

Monday, September 18, 2017


   She wanted to be home. She wanted to move on. Today her wish came true as she drew her last breath in her bed in her home. She had a long and very active life dating back to,1921. She will be missed. I was blessed to be at her side in Hannover. May she rest peacefully now.
Ursula is the little one on the left beside her mother Gertrud and her big sister, Marianne, my mother. I assume the photo dates back to about 1923 when Ursula would have been two.

Friday, September 15, 2017

For Compassionate's Sake

   I left by plane on September 12th and arrived in Hannover on the 13th. I just had to make this unplanned flight. My 96 year old auntie was ready to pass on. Her wish was just that and I needed to see her and hold her hand and stroke her forhead as she had done for me many years ago wben I was seven and in her care while my parents had left to forge out a new life for us in Canada. Auntie took me to many places including school back in the 50's. She is my Mother's sister, Ursula.
  Today she lies semi concious in her apartment. It is her wish to pass on there. She no longer wants to eat or drink. She wants to move on but it takes time before her body will shut down.
   In a couple of hours I'll go back into her flat to sit and hold her hand while classical music floats around us from the radio. I might talk a bit about out days spent together. It is what I care to do for both of us. I 'm in a guest flat close by.

From my chair beside her this is the view. There are some plants on the window sill that daughter and I gave her 17 years ago when I brought  her to meet her great auntie. Tomorrow daughter will arrive from UK with baby who will meet great great auntie. That is family life. We come together for compassionate's sake. 
We love her. 
Buddy too.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Harbour Front

The rope ladders look like one could climb into the heavens.

This is a view to the island where Billy Bishop Airport is situated. Seeing the planes not far off and birds all around makes me wonder how safe the captains feel about their take off. Beyond the island on a clear day one can see the Niagara Falls area.
I love how highlites of our city, the Roger Centre and the CN Tower were captured with the tall ship in the for ground. It even seems like the tower is sticking out from the condo. I wonder if the mother and  her two little tots live in a highrise close by. They are not visible. Only her bag and two strollers are. She is off chasing them somewhere behind the tree.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

SPIDER-MAN Homecoming

   We went to the 3:15 matinee at the VIP Theatre yesterday, opening day of the newest Spiderman film in 3D. Buddy has always been a fan and couldn't wait to see it. He received a movie pass as an early BD gift so it made sense to get in on the action. 
   It was a challenge to book online. Each time I master one account things have to change. I had to start with adding a new account that would then merge with my original one so my points would remain. It took me a whole hour and at the end I was instructed to print my bar code to take to the movie theatre where real tickets would have to be printed at a kiosk. No more print at home option. 
   That was weird but I went to the actual ticket counter. Kiosks are a visual challenge with intructions and buttons to get right. We had reserved seats. I got that all wrong. They have the screen in reverse position to most live theatres so I chose seats too far from the screen during the online bookimg. As the usher took us way up we asked to change and as we were in a rather empty room changing to seats closer to,the screen was no issue. 
   Nicely seated in comfy chairs we ordered our meal and drinks and settled in for the show to begin. There were at least 20 minutes of commercials before the movie began. (Wish the extra fee for VIP could get rid of that.) The lights went out for the main feature and we watched with delight.
   A newbie Spiderman in the making was worth all the effort because the movie was fun. It was less dark and more appealing to our taste.  Buddy left smiling. I left happy too.
   Now we have a new option to use our ticket stub to buy a digital film at a reduced rate of $19.99 on the new account I had to create.  Is that really a bargain price? 
   More challening will be getting it done correctly online. I am curious to give it a try but wonder about how it links all we did that day together. The stub carries a lot of information. 

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Glass Concert Hall

  On June 21 the three of us took  public transit into downtown to attend a concert. Karl Orff"s Carmina Burana was being put on as part of the TSO collection for the celebration of Canada's 150 years of Confederation on July 1st.
   We were a bit early so we walked around the area and were amazed at the many new glass high rise buildings that had sprung up around the concert hall that opened 35 years ago. 
   Glass as a building material has had me wondering for many years. While it appears to look so glamorous I wonder if it can stand the test of future weather changes or time.
The concert itself while composed in the 1930's was a stark contrast to modernity as it was made up of many vocal pieces all written in latin about secular peasant life around Bavaria at about 1300 A.D. The information had come to Karl from notes from a monestary and he found a superb way to tell it. It was a thrill to hear it.
     Grand child turned today. Buddy will be 44. I move up a notch too.
           Happy 4th of July to many American friends.
P.S.  Carina Burana may be found on Youtube if you want to hear it. Many of you will recognize the opening.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Gitfed Moments

I love when flowers are given to me by hubby. He still thinks of doing this.
Buddy is happy too at those special moments yet they are now fewer.
And sadly hubby forgets when he brought them at times by asking how they came to our table.
We just cherish good moments now no matter how brief.
There is a huge downside to memory loss. It is the anger and frustration that the afflicted is filled with. Fear too.
We focus on gifted moments whenever we can.

Saturday, May 6, 2017


She wasn't even born this time last year
and already she's standing at the bookshelf 
finding something that appeals to her tender age 
of 10 months at the local library. I cannot get 
over the speed at which an infant moves from 
helpless to one of curiosity and testing all that
is around. My daughter is a most patient Mom.
Buddy, like all of us, is smitten by this tiny person. 
We are all excited that the family is visiting again soon.
They will be back for 
Canada's Big Bash 
150 years as a nation as she turns 1!
Time passes fast so it won't be long from now that 
we'll be together again.
              She uses her right tippy toe to balance herself on the floor and 
                   places her left hand on the shelf for firm support. Standing        alone has developed. Walking support free will come soon.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Special Times

Spring has arrived late and after a snowy beginning of April by today we  finally have a bit sunshine and a bit of warmth so a planter of the season has been put in place by our front steps.
Buddy wanted the indoor of our home to show a bit of Easter so we decorated. In the kitchen he placed a little chick and small yellow bunny on the table. We are showing a photo of what he put on the dining room table. The bunnies are for his sis and BIL.
 Grandbaby and parents arrived last night from UK just for the weekend as we have a family wedding on Saturday. 
Today we have my sister and some family over for lunch.
This is truly a special time to share with family and friends. Where ever you are and whatever you are celebrating we wish you joy and peace.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Unusual Tulips

It was NewYear's eve when hubby made a kind gesture by arriving home with a bouquet of fresh cut flowers. White tulips, a very unusual flower for this time of yer. I was thrilled for my Mom passed on a tradition that one should have fresh flowers to go into the new year. Tulips were one of her favourite flowers. Earlier in the day Buddy and I had tried to pick up cut flowers at our local grocers but nothing worthy was left so we just brought home a few delicacies for our threesome to enjoy later that eve. 
Buddy had asked for a party. I assured him we would have fun. He went down to the basement and brought up the hats and goodies that go with the tradition just before hubby came home.
Hubby still manages to head to his office though he gets very little done. At the moment we don't want to take that from him until becomes absolutely necessary since it is one aspect of his daily routine that helps his sense of self worth and identity. He believes he is fine.
Since by now many major clients as well as his trusted long employee have left him because of his behaviour that lead to huge arguments and disagreements it seems okay. His ability to be precise as their accountant is likely compromised as his dementia increases. No clients currently are at risk. He still has a few small trusted clients willing to hang in for now knowing things are changing.
It has been two weeks that the tulips came to our home and today they are still upright. I have never had tulips last so long. It is truly an unusual bunch. I smile when I see them.

Monday, January 2, 2017

New Year"s Concert 2017

This concert was put together in the style of a Viennese New Year's Concert with music from the 1700, 1800 and 1900 hundreds. Waltzes from the Strausses were familiar to most and then there were bits from Lehar that were less well known but perfect for the event.
We were so fortunate to be right at the front so Buddy and I could enjoy the details on the dancers costumes as they lept around the front of the stage. The arias were also captivating, even enchanting.
The entire performance was full of joy and had us laughing and clapping along as requested by the Kappelmeister.  The dancers dazzled us with period costumes in most of their dances.
At intermission there were tables set up filled with big slices of Black Forest cake or huge portions of Strudel with any amount of whipped cream as desired for one to enjoy with a coffee or a tea or whatever else one would prefer.
The second part of the concert was over almost too soon. However, the Kappelmeister stretched out the ending by adding a couple of fun polkas before the finale.
It was definitely a very uplifting afternoon. As we headed home we knew there would be a family gathering of kids and cousins to join us for dinner and we were definitely already in a festive mood thanks too the concert, Salute to Vienna held at Roy Thomson Hall.
Have you ever had that Viennese traditional concert experience?