Prior to our departure I managed to get us relocated into our newst rental home. The move was a challenge but we were back to normal by our departure date in early September. And we are comfortable and happy in our surroundings. The back garden is much nicer than any we've had for some time. The lovely deck encouraged us to have several nice BBQ's during August.
We only had time for one local event a fair on September 4th the CNE. Buddy loves going each year. This year we even went on two rides; the huge ferris wheel and Mouse Trap, a mini rail/coaster type of a ride. We laughed a lot. I bought a candy apple and somehow it stayed in my bag and made it onto our flight and all the way to my room in Bromley.
On the 6th we headed to the airport for a pleasant flight to London though none of us slept much. A cab was arranged to bring us from the airport to Bromley where we had booked a hotel room and where our daughter and gran greeted us. The hotel is near to her house and close to some nice parks. Buddy and hubby wanted to sleep there and I went to her house to be with the little one. My SIL works away from home during the week so it is nice to be around to help with the gran who is now 10 weeks old and a lot of fun.
Our visit has been blessed with awesome weather so far and we are just spending family time with little side trips to eat out or shop. We all needed this quiet time to unwind.
In a few days fall begins and today there's a harvest moon out there.
We are blessed and thankful for this lovely journey.