Wednesday, July 31, 2013


His big 40th BD was a blast! Relatives dropped by throughout the day and made his day! For the Wii U he got a new Super Mario games that is much like the original and it was a hit with cousins and friends.

Hubby got home from the hospital on the 8th just in tme for my BD! He was extremely weak and needed much care but his determination made him an excellent patient! As of today he's walking two blocks unassisted and has begun to go back to his favourite place, his office for a couple of hours daily now. But he is not well enough to drive so we assist porviding rides to physiotherapy and other places to keep him smiling.

Happiness is having us all back on track with some slight modifications. Time to blog remains limited but not impossible. 

Friday, July 5, 2013


It has been 18 days since hubby's accident and the good news is he's recovering very well now that he's over the internal bleeding in his brain.
And we are extremely glad for all your positive vibes and good wishes. THANK YOU!!!

Today Buddy and I are sharing this.

The kitchen staff at the resort we attended got into the act of standing very still and later moving as though they were in movie frames. It was all truly fascinating to Buddy who wishes to go back for more fun soon and I do understand his need. It's no fun watching one's parent struggle with an injury but Buddy is kind and gentle to his dad as he makes a speedy and quite remarkable come back:)

Does anyone of you know what name has been given to this type of art form? Ive seen it around in tourist area malls too.